User Stories

Erik takes his KSO Five Fingers to the Playground

Above is Erik, having an extraordinarily fun time on the playground in his black Five Finger KSOs. Here’s what Erik had to say:Justin, I really enjoy your website and forum, as I’ve used it from the sizing guide (prior to getting my vffs) and ever…


Digging into Daniel Lieberman’s Barefoot Running Research

Do modern running shoes effectively force runners to heel strike? Here we dig into Daniel Lieberman’s barefoot running research, and also poll the Vibram Five Fingers community regarding how to walk or run in shoes versus Vibrams.


Results of Daniel Lieberman Barefoot Running Research

Daniel Lieberman’s research into impact forces experienced while forefoot-striking or heel-striking, full round-up coverage of all the press surrounding the research release.

User Stories

Interview with Patri Friedman, Seasteading Institute Founder

Interview with Patri Friedman, Vibram Five Fingers fan and founder of the Seasteading Institute, an organization that has set out to revolutionize the means by which nations are formed and thereby increase competition in government!

User Stories

Joe’s Five Balls, Five Fingers

If you’re ever in the mood for juggling 5 mini basketballs, I highly recommend wearing VFF’s while doing so. They help keep your balance, and they help your balls stay in the air longer. When gravity is doing everything it can to bring the balls past yo…

User Stories

Jawa’s Vibram Vacation

I am sure Vibram Five Fingers have been subjected to various conditions and your website serves as a single, authentic source where real people share their success with Vibram. As you may know I have been using Vibram since September 2009 and recently r…

User Stories

Steffan likes to climb things in his Sprint FiveFingers

i wanted to send in this photo because i love climbing things. but with vibrams its so much easier and fun.Looks like you’re having a blast! Reminds me of my brother’s lamp post climbing in his Classics.FiveFingers — making the urban jungl…

User Stories

Edgar Kicks his KSOs at a Radio Station in Barcelona

Hi Justin,Today i went to a radio station invited to talk about the segway tours I give around Barcelona, when they saw the Ksos they were so intrigued by them that I had to explain on air what they where and why I am wearing them.I took a few pi…


Jim Weber, CEO of Brooks, on Barefoot Running

This is interesting — an open letter from Jim Weber, CEO of Brooks, on barefoot running. If you have a second, go read it. Here’s a clip from his letter:Let’s call a spade a spade. We make running shoes: High-quality, biomechanically mapped,…


Latest Vibram Five Fingers Reviews 1/24/10

Review: Vibram Five Fingers “Sprint” at Give Me Back My Five Bucks [Sprint]:So it works for most of what it was designed to do. Whether you can get used to them in terms of looks and fit, is up to you. For me personally I’m not ready to give up on my reg…