Running in Stem Natural Origins Shoes and KSOs

This is a user submitted story that was sent to me by a forum member of ours. He wanted to share his experience training for and running in his first race.

First off, I want to say Special thanks to Elizabeth Chauncey of EastCan (www.eastcan.or…

Barefoot Shoes

OTZ Troop Boot Review

It is winter time. For some of us that means it is time to bust out the winter boots and slosh our way through the winter months. I recently picked up the OTZ Troop Boot a winter weather friendly minimalist boot. I thought I would share with you

FiveFingers Kids KSO at Machu Picchu

This is a shorter user submitted story. It comes from Shipmon family. They wanted to share a couple of photos of Diego Shipmon age 5 sporting his five fingers at the ruins of Machu Picchu. Diego will be 6 years old this month so Happy Birthday to him…

Running a Marathon in Japan in Vibram FiveFingers

Today’s user submitted story comes to us from Marcc Occhio Canadian expat living in Japan. He had the opportunity to participate in the Shin-Tomei full marathon recently in his Vibram FiveFingers KSO and wanted to share his experience with us.


Barefoot Shoes

Fila Skele-Toes 2.0 Review

It looks like minimalist footwear and toe shoes are starting to become rather mainstream. The fact that major footwear brads are starting to develop minimalist and toe shoes of their own design is proof that the mainstream public is starting to accept…

New FiveFingers Speed Colors for 2012

When the speed style first came to market it was available in only two colors Black and White for male sizes and bright blue and whit for the female version. This will change next spring once Vibram releases several new color variations for the Speed s…

Barefoot Shoes

Elusive Fall 2011 FiveFingers

As most of you know there can be different styles of Vibram FiveFingers released around the world. Sometimes the styles don’t make it to your neck of the woods. This is especially true when it comes to some of the European styles. It seems like they…

Senior Year: Through the Feet of a FiveFingers Wearer

Today’s user submitted story was an entire year in the making. It comes to us from Daniel Vu (or DVu for short as his friends call him) out of the Seattle Washington area. Daniel was a senior at Mercer Island High School and is an avid cross country…

Waterproofing the Bormio FiveFingers

My Whiskey/Tan Bormio Left & Black Bormio Right.

I love my Bormio FiveFingers. They have rocketed to the top as my most used pair of Vibram Five Fingers. A little background I work as a Real Estate Photographer in Washington State. I need a sh…