Some call the 4th of July the birthday of the United States or the birthday of independence. The fo

Some call the 4th of July the birthday of the United States or the birthday of independence. The fo
Emily, her husband Gary, and their 9 year old daughter are a family who all wear Vibram Five Fingers. Emily sent us these photos of their active lifestyle:Here’s one of me “CdA Race” crossing the finish line in my VibramSprints – this was a…
We first ran across Edward Edmonds a few weeks ago in a youtube video of him running barefoot and posted it in our Link Love section. Later we discovered on his blog that he training full time as a runner and has the ultimate goal to run a marathon under…
Anyone who has ever been to DisneyWorld knows there is a lot of walking involved and that South Florida can get pretty hot. If you are pushing strollers and carrying kids, it can feel more like work than a vacation. Armed with his Vibram Five Fingers Spr…
BirthdayShoes Week in ReviewThe long awaited women’s Vibram KSO Trek became availabile at CitySports. They retail for about $125 and you can get free shipping using the coupon code BIRTHDAY.Sean, a competitive runner and Vibram Five Fingers fan f…
I have some happy news for women — at long last, CitySports now has the womens Vibram Five Fingers KSO Trek in black. The KSO Trek retails for about $125 and you can get free shipping at CitySports using the coupon code BIRTHDAY (Go to CitySports)…
Tony, a Vibram Five Fingers fan, recently maneuvered through some big water in his black KSOs and sent us this note with the pic above:Pic of me in my b-day shoes. Whitewater, New River, W.V. Keaney Rapids. June 12th, 2010. Just showing! great for wa…
The World’s First Ever Five Fingers 5k, sponsored by Mahoney’s was held this past weekend in Johnson City, TN. It was open to all runners, regardless of footwear. However, the winner was wearing fivefingers and finished the race in 17:33. Vibram Five Fin…
Vibram Five Fingers fan, Sean, is a competitive runner from Canada. He runs for the Phoenix Athletics track club and has competed in the Canadian Championships. Read what Sean had to say about discovering and later training in Vibram Five Fingers:I…
BirthdayShoes NewsThis week on Birthday Shoes we asked the community to sound off about their favorite Tips and Tricks on Barefoot or Vibram Five Fingers Running. We gave away stickers to the first ten commenters. If you missed it, stay tuned for m…