VFF fan, Jason, on his variation of slacklining done wearing his new Vibram Five Fingers Flows:I picked up my VFF Flows over Easter and I love them. The Flows were the only pair that fit me, but I got them half off, so I won’t complain. I’ve been…

VFF fan, Jason, on his variation of slacklining done wearing his new Vibram Five Fingers Flows:I picked up my VFF Flows over Easter and I love them. The Flows were the only pair that fit me, but I got them half off, so I won’t complain. I’ve been…
Vibram Five Fingers fan, Mary, likes getting back to nature in her Classics. They provide sure footing and it’s ok if they get wet! She told us why VFFs work for her:A friend and I spent the morning at Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, which is located…
After the jump, news, videos, links to barefoot running research and how-to, and a few new reviews!And if you missed it, well, you’re probably too late (at least this time around), but the Vibram Five fingers Bikila has been released! Latest Vibr…
I’m happy to announce that we have a winner to the Vibram Five Fingers Bikila giveaway contest. There were almost 3,000 entries in the contest, and I will be emailing the winner here shortly!Of course, having a winner means just one thing: it seems…
An interview with TJ, the President of the newly Barefoot Runners Society about how she got into running barefoot, Morton’s Neuroma, and where she expects to take the BRS!
Ever have a flat tire and just can’t get those tightened lug nuts to budge? Well, Australian VFF fan, Lionel, knows how to use just the right amount of leverage, strength and Five Fingers awesomeness to get them loose.Ever have a flat tire and just can’t get those tightened lug nuts to budge? Well, Australian VFF fan, Lionel, knows how to use just the ri…
Vibram Fiver Fingers fan, Steve, recently ran in his 15th Big Sur Marathon, and his first in VFF KSOs. Steve comments on the switch:I saw at least 3 other runners with VFFs, including a woman in purple ones, and one barefoot runner. I got quite a…
Vibram Five Fingers fan, Steve, recently put his black KSO Treks through their paces, running the Llantysilio Fell Race in Wales.
Latest Vibram Five Fingers LinksMahoney’s Outfitters is teaming up with Vibram Five Fingers for the fivefinger 5k in Johnson City, TN. This is the first ever Vibram sponsored 5K road run. Winners will get t-shirts and prizes, including 10 pairs of Vibram…
Sam, a marathon runner living in London, has made the transition to minimalist running, Vibram Five Fingers KSOs, over the last 8 months. After trying to transition too quickly, he stepped back and made a more gradual transition and recently completed the Rotterdam Marathon wearin…