A Vibram Five Fingers KSO running transition story from Raymond, who quickly adjusted to running in his barefoot alternative shoes (VFFs) and was soon running a 30K race in them!

A Vibram Five Fingers KSO running transition story from Raymond, who quickly adjusted to running in his barefoot alternative shoes (VFFs) and was soon running a 30K race in them!
An announcement regarding the creation of a Vibram Five Fingers fan community webring on birthdayshoes.com
Photos of a snow run in the U.K. wearing Vibram Five Fingers KSOs from Dave, a triathlete who is working on upping his barefoot running mileage
Here are the latest VFF reviews from this past week (including an interesting trial of men’s KSO Treks by a woman — VFF fan M.C. at begin2dig.com!): KSO Trek, Men’s – fitting for women; punting to Performa at Begin to Dig [ KSO Trek, Performa…
Andrew Harwood sent in the above photos showing off his Vibram Five Fingers collection (black Classics and Flows). I asked Andrew to share a bit about what he’s been doing in his VFFs and what he likes about them. Here is what he had to say:I have…
Vibram Five Fingers KSO fan Krisjand talks traveling to Israel (and floating in the Dead Sea), barefoot running overcoming a knee injury, and spreading the word to friends about his new barefoot running shoes!
A review and first look at the new barefoot running shoe from Terra Plana, the Vivo Barefoot Evo, which provides a minimalist shoe with no arch support that fosters a natural running form.
User photos of the new color combinations for KSO Vibram Five Fingers from Tabitha – black, grey, camo for men and agate, grey, camo for women! New for 2010!
Giving up on running after two decades of swollen knees and chronic injuries, one runner discovers the key to pain-free running is in how to run with a forefoot strike, as with Pose or Vibram Five Fingers.
A newbie’s fresh take on picking a Vibram Five Fingers style, finding a pair in stock (buying experience), and how his feet have broken in to his new barefoot shoes.