Something’s Missing on these Vibram Five Finger Classics …

If you don’t plan on wearing your Classic Vibram Five Fingers for strenuous acitivites, just cut out the elastic and make them even more comfortable!

Can you spot it?

Yep, the elastic tightener on these Vibram Five Finger Classics has been removed!

Tina had posted on the forum about how she finds her five finger Classics much more comfortable now that she’s removed the elastic bands. I asked “Toe Girl” Tina to send me a picture of her five fingers mod, and she kindly obliged. Her’s what she had to say:

I found that [the elastic] would dig into the top of my foot if I wore [my Classics] for a long time and I never had to tighten the elastic to keep them on so I cut them out. I think it makes the Classics MUCH more comfortable. They stay on naturally because of the pattern of rubber in the back. I don’t know if it would work for everybody, but it definitely works for me.

I only wear my Classics at the most loose setting these days as I typically reserve more strenuous activity for my Vibram KSOs. I’d wager that doing such a modification almost requires that you have two pairs of fivefingers (One for heavy activity and another for light use). Of course, if you don’t run, sprint, or do other activities in your Classics that involve a lot of leg pumping, this mod might be for you!

Anyone else cut the elastic out of their VFF Classics?

Has anyone tried replacing the elastic with something like a shoestring (This was another idea I had to eliminate the binding effect of the elastic while still providing a secure fit)?

Thanks for sharing, Tina!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

2 replies on “Something’s Missing on these Vibram Five Finger Classics …”

Glad to see this modification works, because I can see by looking at the classics that I would not like the elastic. I am sure that it will bother my achilles tendons, which are prone to inflaming when pressured in any way. I’d like to remove the useless velcro on the heels of my sprints if I could. Thanks Sandy, now I will not fear purchasing the classic VFFs!

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