Tyler sent in the above photos taken after he completed his first half marathon in his KSO FiveFinge

Black KSO Vibram Five Fingers are perhaps one of the most common, if not the most common, color combination KSO in existence. Whether to wear them to work, attempt to blend in, or simply to look stealth while blacked out running, the Black KSO has clearly become a mainstay in teh Vibram Five Fingers line-up.
Below are all the user-submitted black KSO Vibram Five Fingers posts for all the Ninja, Gorilla, and Deeds’ wannabes in the VFF community!
Got Black KSO Vibrams? These fans do!
Tyler sent in the above photos taken after he completed his first half marathon in his KSO FiveFinge
In the mailbag came the above photos from Kim who recently toured the Southwestern part of the Unite
Brian, who you might recall from his Otterness photo or Fife playing, has been photographing Berlin
Ben sent in the above photos snapped in the Forbidden City (Beijing, China). Ben was travelling thr
Brandon Marshall (@bmarshallpf on twitter) recently finished his first race running in his KSO FiveF
Hi Justin, I’ve come to know about your website and am excited to know how vibram has transforme
Here’s a pic of me relaxing after class by laying out in a patch of grass in my black KSOs, enjoying
Timothy sent in the above two photos of his black KSO fivefingers:Black KSO’s standing on hail a
Birthdayshoes.com,Here are two pics of my dog (Jack) and me (David) with friends at an alpine la
Chris sent in the above photo taken at the finish of this past weekend’s Baltimore Half-Marathon. T