Weekend Link Love 7/11/10

Latest LinksMatthew McConaughey’s girlfriend, Brazilian model and designer Camila Alves, was spotted wearing a pair of Vibram Five Fingers Classics while McConaughey decided to carry his Sprints and wear flip flops.We thought it was very intersti…

Weekend Link Love 6/27/10

BirthdayShoes Week in ReviewThe long awaited women’s Vibram KSO Trek became availabile at CitySports. They retail for about $125 and you can get free shipping using the coupon code BIRTHDAY.Sean, a competitive runner and Vibram Five Fingers fan f…

Weekend Link Love 6/20/10

BirthdayShoes NewsThis week on Birthday Shoes we asked the community to sound off about their favorite Tips and Tricks on Barefoot or Vibram Five Fingers Running. We gave away stickers to the first ten commenters. If you missed it, stay tuned for m…

Weekend Link Love 4/25/10

Site newsQuick reminder: There are two primary ways you can subscribe to BirthdayShoes — email and RSS. For each method, you have the option of subscribing by email or RSS! BirthdayShoes Blog Feed — Email | RSS [All blog posts &mda…

Weekend Link Love 4/18/10

Weekend Link Love including a happy birthday to the site after it’s first year of existence. Discusses recent changes to birthdayshoes.com. Link Love covers Danny Glover being arrested in VFFs, patching a tear, and more!

Weekend Link Love 4/11/2010

This week’s latest Vibram Five Fingers fan installment of link love includes a couple announcements about upcoming barefoot running events, a celebrity sighting (Jorge Garcia of LOST), and more!

Heisman winner, ex-NFL player Eddie George’s KSO Vibram Five Fingers seen on Celebrity Beach Bowl

ex-NFL player and Heisman Trophy winner Eddie George wears his KSO Vibram Five Fingers on the DirectTV Celebrity Beach Bowl!

Channing Tatum runs in KSO Treks (via TMZ.com)

Recent G.I. Joe, She’s the Man, and Stop-Loss star Channing Tatum has been spotted wearing KSO Trek Five Fingers while on his way to workout. TMZ had a video segment titled “If the shoe fits” on the VFF-sighting that aired on television on January 1…

Could VFFs (or barefooting!) ever go mainstream?

It’s a question we’ve kicked around on the forums: could Vibram fivefingers, specifically, or barefo