The Vibram Five Fingers Fan Community

An announcement regarding the creation of a Vibram Five Fingers fan community webring on

Latest Vibram Five Fingers Reviews 3/7/10

Here are the latest VFF reviews from this past week (including an interesting trial of men’s KSO Treks by a woman — VFF fan M.C. at!): KSO Trek, Men’s – fitting for women; punting to Performa at Begin to Dig [ KSO Trek, Performa…

This is Not a Fad: You can Run Pain Free.

Giving up on running after two decades of swollen knees and chronic injuries, one runner discovers the key to pain-free running is in how to run with a forefoot strike, as with Pose or Vibram Five Fingers.

The barefoot-powered Vibram Five Fingers Fan community!

A list of blogs and websites whose proprietors are fans of Vibram Five Fingers! Surf around the webring to read what other Vibram fans are doing in their VFFs!

Latest Vibram Five Fingers Reviews 2/28/10

Below are this week’s last VFF reviews: Working out in my Vibram Five Fingers at Learn Fitness [ KSO ]:All of the balance and form comments above are highlighted in spades doing circuits. The combination of weights and cardio circuits really feel…

Vibram Five Fingers Discusssed on The Doctors TV show (Classics and KSOs)

A screencap from The Doctors show where they show off their Vibram Five Fingers. At least one of the doctors – Dr. Drew Ordon – couldn’t get both KSO VFFs on his feet!In case you missed it on TV, the popular show The Doctors featured VFFs. Dr. Trav…

Heisman winner, ex-NFL player Eddie George’s KSO Vibram Five Fingers seen on Celebrity Beach Bowl

ex-NFL player and Heisman Trophy winner Eddie George wears his KSO Vibram Five Fingers on the DirectTV Celebrity Beach Bowl!

The Silent Majority and the Barefoot Running Debate (Or the Runners Who Never Were)

Running isn’t supposed to hurt (if you’re doing it right!). A look at the barefoot running debate, and a discussion of it’s important consequences for individuals outside the running community.

Latest Vibram Five Fingers Reviews 2/21/10

This week’s latest Vibram Five Fingers reviews: Feet, the way God intended them at MyNeChimKi [Sprint, Performa, and Classic]:Revolutionary Moment #2 came just the other night when I started my C25K program. Of course, I’ve done tons of reading that…

Why are so many of Ultramarathon Man’s readers running in Vibram Five Fingers?

A discussion of Dean Karnazes survey of his long-distance running readership in light of the realization that a large number of his readers wear Vibram Five Fingers. I believe this is because distance running requires running with lower impact forces.