Barefoot Shoes Luna Sandals Mono Winged Review A long-term Luna Mono huaraches/sandals review — with nods to Bedrock Cairns and even Shamma Warriors.
Barefoot Shoes Luna Premium Mono Huaraches Sandals Review Back in May of this year Luna Sandals, the huaraches-making company founded by "Barefoot" Ted McDonald launched a "premium" huaraches sandal offering in two American Bison leather-laced and soled colorways—dark and milk chocolate, respectively. As…
Barefoot Shoes Luna Mono Huaraches Review It's no secret that I love me some Lunas. I've tested their socks for the first time on race day with no prior experience with them, because I trust Luna that much. Then I ran my first marathon in Luna Venados. But I'll be honest: I wasn't entirely…
How to Run in Minimalist Footwear (a.k.a. "Barefoot Shoes") The Inaugural Asheville Marathon at the Biltmore - in Luna Sandals (Venado/original) You're out on a run. Your nose is getting stuffy, so you lean to the side for a quick farmer's blow. It's cold out, but you didn't realize how cold until you go to wipe your nose with the back of your glove to clear off any additional moisture -- only t…
General Luna Split-toe Tabi Socks - Pre-Sale! A short while back I posted a review of Luna's new Split-Toe Tabi Socks. It was possibly my most unabashedly enthusiastic review to date. And for good reason -- these socks are amazing! I've since worn them on two additional trail races (10 mile and 8 m…
Barefoot Shoes Luna Split-toe Tabi Socks + Leadville Huaraches Review When I signed up for my first marathon in March, I stupidly did not consider that such timing meant I'd be doing all of my training in the winter. Mercifully, the southeastern United States has had a rather mild winter. I've had no problem running in my…
How to Run in Minimalist Footwear (a.k.a. "Barefoot Shoes") Running the Marine Corps Marathon in Luna Sandals [Race Report] When people see me running in my huaraches, I'm often told I'll never be able to run a marathon in them. Finally, I can say I can because I have. On October 28, my 42nd birthday coincidentally, I completed my first marathon, the 37th Marine Corps Marat…
Luna Sandals Impromptu Luna ATS Sandals Repair Some of you may be familiar with "Barefoot Jake." He's a minimalist hiker based out of Washington who routinely goes off the grid. Recently, Jake was out hiking in Luna Sandals (with the ATS lace) when disaster struck and one of the laces snapped.…
Barefoot Shoes Luna Sandals Catamount (Plus Original) Review [Huaraches] We've reviewed a number of huaraches here on BirthdayShoes. "Huaraches," is simply Spanish for "sandals." While huaraches may refer to Mexican sandals of all varieties, here we're specifically talking…
Barefoot Shoes Luna Sandals ATS Review [Huaraches] Barefoot Ted and Luna Sandals have released another new model adding to their extensive line of huarache sandals. Lunas are sandals inspired by those worn by the Tarahumara featured in Born to Run. The All Terrain Sandal, or ATS for short, adopts many…
Barefoot Shoes Luna Sandals LeadCat Review [Huaraches] Luna Sandals LeadCat If you've read Born to Run (if not, please do so!), then you certainly remember one of the more colorful personalities in the book, Barefoot Ted. Barefoot Ted (BFT) has his own huarache sandal company called Luna Sandals drawing…