travel Sal's California Central Coast Road Trip in KSOs and Classics Sal Rodriguez recently took a road trip along the California Central Coast. Along the way, he saw s
travel Colin takes two weeks to "mill around" France barefoot or in Vibrams (Classics) "I spent most of the time barefoot whilst milling around the campsites and driving. I wore my Vibrams when out and about sight seeing (because barefoot isn't always appropriate) and cycling and I wore my cheap aging flipflops when the grass outside the tent was wet - my wife would go nuts if I even
Black KSO Vibram Five Fingers a.k.a. Ninja Shoes, Gorilla Feet, Mr. Deeds' Feet Vibram FiveFingers Sighted in NYC Kevin (koffekev on the forums) was recently gallivanting around New York City with his niece when he