Athletic Director and Primal Lifestyle Devotee Rockin' his KSOs in Southeast Asia

Vibram Five Fingers fan, Bob, on his KSOs:I live in Bangkok, Thailand, and my wife and I took a trip recently to Cambodia, and we walked all around the wonderful temples near Siem Reap, including Angkor Wat - one of the most beautiful historical site…

Athletic Director and Primal Lifestyle Devotee Rockin' his  KSOs in Southeast Asia

Vibram Five Fingers fan, Bob, on his KSOs:

I live in Bangkok, Thailand, and my wife and I took a trip recently to Cambodia, and we walked all around the wonderful temples near Siem Reap, including Angkor Wat - one of the most beautiful historical sites in the world today!  It was wonderful walking on the trails and steps and smooth stones all around and in the temples and sites.  My KSO’s were light and comfortable, and very appropriate for this type of sightseeing!  I receive comments every day about the KSO’s, as I spread the word about their fantastic feeling, of walking light-footed and more erect, with noticeably improved posture.

I am the Athletic Director at a big private international school in Bangkok, Thailand.  I have had my VFF's for one month only, as it is hard to find them out here in SE Asia.  I bought them on a trip to Singapore last month, and I have worn them almost every day - both to work and socially, and of course for exercise!  Whenever I wear "regular" shoes, they feel strange, and I miss the comfort and natural feel of the VFF"S.

Bob compares feet

Bob compares his foot to a barefoot statue at Angkor Wat, near Siem Reap, in Cambodia. Looks like about a size 182 KSO, huh? Oh, and that funny stuff growing there is what happens when you don't follow the BirthdayShoes' Definitive Guide to Cleaning Vibram Five Fingers.

As you can see by Bob's "Grok On!" shirt, he is into Primal Blueprint:

I am a big Primal Blueprint follower.  I am 57 years old - so I can identify a lot with Mark S., who is close to the same age. I have been almost full primal in many areas for almost a year now, and I have never felt better, especially with increased energy levels most of the time.  I have spread the primal message to a number of my friends and colleagues here, many of whom have really enjoyed the beneficial health results. Thanks, Bob!