Strike a Pose! Ben in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs with Dr. Nicholas Romanov of Pose Running

Vibram Five Fingers runner Ben talks about Dr. Nicholas Romanov's Pose Method of Running. An inset photo shows Ben posing alongside Dr. Romanov at a running clinic!

Strike a Pose!  Ben in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs with Dr. Nicholas Romanov of Pose Running

From the photo mailbag comes a photo of Vibram Five Fingers fan Ben alongside Pose Running method founder Dr. Nicholas Romanov.  Ben is striking the quintessential "pose" in his black KSO Vibram Five Fingers.

Hey Justin, here's a pic of me in my black KSO's with Pose running creator Dr. Nicholas Romanov, taken at a recent running clinic in NYC.  Keep up the good work!

Pose running is a technique created by Dr. Nicholas Romanov back in 1977.  From the PoseTech website, the method is billed as "Efficient, injury-free movement taught through poses. Use the Pose Method techniques to prevent injuries and to dramatically improve your athletic performance."

Ben is striking a "pose" in his KSO Vibram Five Fingers in the above photo with Dr. Romanov.  I asked Ben to share a bit more about Pose and here's what he had to say:

I've been running Pose for about three months and am still learning each time I go out.  Yes, that is a not-so-perfect attempt at me in the Pose position.  The KSO's are my only running shoes, and I feel that they help me get my technique down better than if I used a regular heeled sneaker.  I think the funniest comment I've gotten wearing them was during a run in Central Park, and some small child turns to his mom as I ran past and said "Mommy, why isn't that man wearing any shoes?"

Not surprisingly, Dr. Romanov has reviewed fivefingers here (Also listed on the Birthday Shoes Five Fingers Resources page!).

Thanks for sharing Ben!  I'd like to get an in depth overview of both Pose and also Chi Running for the Vibram Five Fingers community (if any of you would like to write up something to post on, please let me know!).

And thanks for sharing Ben!