Bien and Ben Run Nittany Valley Half Marathon in Vibram KSOs

Above are photos of Bien and Ben taken at the Nittany Valley Half Marathon at Penn State on Here’s B

Above are photos of Bien and Ben taken at the Nittany Valley Half Marathon at Penn State on Here’s Bien on December 6th. Here’s what Bien had to say about the race:

Hi Justin,

I ran the Nittany Valley Half Marathon at Penn State yesterday and met Ben, also wearing KSOs, at the starting line. We actually finished at the same time too, so it was a great opportunity to take a photo. This a picture of us right after the race, with the frost still on our hats. This is my second half marathon using the KSOs — I did the Baltimore Half 6 weeks ago, and beat that time by a whopping 12 minutes.

The icy cold start didn’t deter us from wearing the VFFs. It was great to see that a lot of people already knew about them and both Ben and I helped spread the word about “barefooting” all along the way.

Thanks for all your work on the site!


Bien also added that he wore two pairs of Injinjis for the race to thwart the icy ground (see the photo above).

Impressive progress on your times, Bien! And great to hear VFF fans are sticking together and spreading the good word!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

2 replies on “Bien and Ben Run Nittany Valley Half Marathon in Vibram KSOs”

Double layer of Injinjis? I wish I’d thought of that. I believe that’s the approach I’ll use at this Saturday’s Thunder Road Marathon.

Great job, guys!

I wear the Injinji Outdoor Quarter socks with my FiveFingers here in the UK where the weather is absolutely freezing at the moment! I find that these keep my feet really snug!

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