Bob runs the Cal Poly Midnight 5K in Black KSO VFFs

Bob recently completed his first 5K in KSO Five Fingers — the Cal Poly Midnight 5K:Ran [th

Bob recently completed his first 5K in KSO Five Fingers — the Cal Poly Midnight 5K:

Ran [the Cal Poly Midnight 5K] a couple of weeks ago … Have had my VFF KOS for about six months and have gone exclusive with them as footwear for all things (besides dress shoes for work) for about three months. This was my first race in them.

I was a little nervous about doing 3 miles of racing on pavement and asphalt, but had a great race. Started slow, finished hard, and had a time on par with one of my fastest 5ks.

Future plans for my VFF: 25k trail race at Montana de Oro in February and Wildflower Half Ironman in May.

Bob in Santa Maria, CA

No doubt you’ll have your training cut out for you for these future races! Best of luck to you.

So when are you going to go full-VFF, even at work? Dress shoes are so overrated!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

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