Chris and Bien run the Baltimore Half-Marathon in KSO FiveFingers

Chris sent in the above photo taken at the finish of this past weekend’s Baltimore Half-Marathon. T

Chris sent in the above photo taken at the finish of this past weekend’s Baltimore Half-Marathon. That’s Chris on the right and Bien on the left, both showing off their Vibram fivefingers KSO soles whilst striking an intimidating pose!

Here’s Chris on the run (And the growing awareness of VFFs):

Hi, Justin!

My friend, Bien, and I ran the Baltimore Half Marathon in our KSOs yesterday and we snapped this photo at the finish. We didn’t see any other people wearing VFFs but we did got lots comments and questions. When I first wore my KSOs for a 5k about 14 months ago, no one had even heard of them. Now people are actually starting to recognize them and talk about how they want to try a pair.

My feet still feel good today and I’m looking forward to attempting a full marathon in my KSOs next time! Keep up the great work!


Good to hear you’re recovering well from your run and keep us posted on the marathon.

Finally, lest you think their intimidating pose is a coincidence, Chris and Bien also run Ninja Spirit, which is a show about, well, ninjas — with a decidedly over-the-top, humorous slant. If you’re looking for a way to kill some time with a few laughs, go check it out!

Thanks Chris!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

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