College Football in black KSO 5 Fingers
Sonia sent in the above photo taken last week's Penn State Vs. Temple game. Sonia is sporting her n

Sonia sent in the above photo taken last week's Penn State Vs. Temple game. Sonia is sporting her new black KSO Five Fingers and enjoying her newfound foot freedom:
Hi, This pic was taken at the Penn State vs. Temple game last week. I had just got the black KSO's and love them! My brother in law got in the pic too! Can't wait for next pair but are on back order! I am a 50 year old women and have been waiting for these my whole life!!
I asked Sonia if she also got a chance to tailgate in her KSOs, and of course, not only did she, but she got a lot of looks and questions about her new barefoot shoes.
Enjoy your new VFFs, Sonia!