Feelin’ the Flow: Chris runs the Richmond Marathon in VFF Flows

The photos above were sent in by Chris, who recently ran the Richmond Marathon in Flow Five Fingers.

The photos above were sent in by Chris, who recently ran the Richmond Marathon in Flow Five Fingers. Though Flows are probably the least represented VFFs in the community, they’re starting to get more attention as the seasons are changing and Five Fingers fans seek out a bit more foot warmth!

Here’s Chris on the marathon:

Hey Justin,

I thought I’d send in some pictures from the Richmond Marathon I ran recently in my VFF Flows. It was really an awesome experience, from answering around a million questions about my “shoes” to being back on the road running taking only 2 days rest! I ran my first marathon last year in road shoes and got achilles tendonitis so switching to VFFs was a welcome relief. As for the Flows (a unique present from my girlfriend), I notice that people wear them much less than the other types, but on the 45 degree rainy morning of the race, they were nothing less than perfect. After 3 hours and 43 minutes, everything felt great and I can’t wait to run another in them! Thanks for putting together such an amazing site –


Thanks for sharing, Chris! Nice time and good to hear that VFFs are enabling you to run injury-free. That your girlfriend hooked you up with your Flows — well, I’ll just say that she might be worth hanging on to!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

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