Gardening in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs

Jason sent us the following message about his search for the perfect gardening shoe:I’ve finally found the perfect gardening shoe! I am an avid gardener and have spent years trying to find a shoe that was able to meet the demands of gardening. I tr…

Jason sent us the following message about his search for the perfect gardening shoe:

I’ve finally found the perfect gardening shoe! I am an avid gardener and have spent years trying to find a shoe that was able to meet the demands of gardening. I tried tennis shoes but they are just too hot and cumbersome. My flip flops are freeing but my toes get all dirty and they cut into my feet when squatting. I’ve experimented with Crocs, which had worked the best, but once they are wet they start squeaking and squawking and your foot starts slipping and sliding and are just no fun. Especially gardening where you are bound to get your feet wet more times than none. Then I discovered Vibram Five Fingers and it was a match made in heaven. I decided on the KSOs because I am gardening after all and keeping stuff out is important. They keep my feet clean and don’t mind getting wet. I have even found that I’m not accidentally breaking plants when I’m walking in my garden beds because I can FEEL where I’m placing my feet. My Vibrams are invigorating and have actually enhanced my gardening experience. Vibram Five Fingers don’t have to be just for running and hiking. They are a good fit for any activity.

Jason in Louisiana

Glad to see you have found a match with your black KSOs and thanks for the sending us your story.

By Britt

Hailing from College Station, Texas (Home to Texas A&M!), I grew up running cross country. Believe it or not, I gave Justin the name for this site back in early 2009 but I didn't jump on the toe shoes bandwagon until a year later. I am also really into quadcopters and drones and have a blog called

3 replies on “Gardening in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs”

That is exactly why I just ordered my KSOs! I use a real mower and do all our landscaping etc. Currently in old tennies. Like you, I’ve tried flips but had the same issues. Don’t own any Crocs.

The only down side is KS is out of my size until late Sept… ;-(

Wish more VFFs were made in 12 1/4″ than just the KSOs but I guess if you can only get one style, they are the most functional.

On a side note, I really hope (but don’t expect) the new Komodos to come in double huge 😉

I too use them in the garden and love them. I have tried sandals, crocs, flops, and plain bare feet. I love the KSOs for gardening. They protect my feet yet allow me to get my toes in the dirt to grip while tilling and shoveling.

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