Going Toe to Toe in Classic and Sprint Vibram Five Fingers

From VFFer Stephanie comes the above photo — a meeting of the toes via new Classic Vibram Five Fingers:Taken in Madison, Wisconsin on January 31, 2010. Picture shows my black Sprints and two of my sisters in lilac Classics. Taken outside of the…

Going Toe to Toe in Classic and Sprint Vibram Five Fingers

From VFFer Stephanie comes the above photo — a meeting of the toes via new Classic Vibram Five Fingers:

Taken in Madison, Wisconsin on January 31, 2010. Picture shows my black Sprints and two of my sisters in lilac Classics. Taken outside of the store where we had just purchaed them and HAD to wear them out of the store! You can just barely see my daughter's tennis shoes—she was very bummed to discover FiveFingers don't come in her size!

I'm pretty certain that this is the first Five Fingers user story I've heard of where multiple individuals were picking up pairs of Vibrams at the same time!  And it would have been four!  I feel bad for your daughter, Stephanie!

Thanks for sharing!