James’ Classic V5Fs and the Aurora Borealis

Hey,Just thought you might like this pic! I got my Classics (my first pair of VFFs) yesterday and fell in love immediately. I was wearing them round my apartment to break them (and my feet) in, when I looked out the window… and there was the best d…


Just thought you might like this pic! I got my Classics (my first pair of VFFs) yesterday and fell in love immediately. I was wearing them round my apartment to break them (and my feet) in, when I looked out the window… and there was the best display of the Aurora Borealis that I’ve seen during my time in Iceland. I grabbed my camera bag and ran out the door. I ran a good 5 minutes to my usual photo spot, and loved every second of it in my VFFs. No pain at all, despite my feet never having ever experienced this before. …

So there you go. Beautiful shoes, and a beautiful view. What more could you want? Ok, maybe some warmth…


I’m impressed James was able to catch such a beautiful picture with not only his FiveFingers but also the Aurora Borealis to boot. Apparently this photo was taken in below freezing temperatures (and of course, at night, so you gotta get a longer exposure!).

Glad you had such a great induction into VFF foot freedom! Beautiful shot!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

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