James’ KSO Trek Five Fingers at Work

Looks like another VFFer (See also Alan’s effort to VFF-ify corporate America) is taking their new K

Looks like another VFFer (See also Alan’s effort to VFF-ify corporate America) is taking their new KSO Trek V5s to work.

James sent in the above photos of his KSO Treks at work — a liquor store in Juneau, Alaska!

Here’s James on his new Treks:

Hi I work in a large retail chain liquor store in Juneau, Alaska 🙂
And so far all of the boss’s love my VFFs! One boss is ordering his on line this week :-O

The KSO TREKS are crazy cool but the strap is too short** 🙁

Glad the bosses are taking note of your astute sense of foot health and fashion!

Is it happy hour yet?

** For the benefit of others wondering, the velcro strap length (opened from end to end) on the KSO Treks is about 7.25″ by my measurement. The standard KSO strap length is about 8.5″. However, the nylon, non-velcro strap of the KSO Trek is 12″ versus the standard KSO 11″ (measurements taken using a fabric tape measure). So the difference may effectively even out — if anyone has any insight on this, be sure to comment below!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

One reply on “James’ KSO Trek Five Fingers at Work”

Please Fivefingers – make the strap longer. My 8 3/4 foot is too short for the size 37 trek sport but the strap isn’t long enough on the size 36. I know this isn’t the companies website but maybe someone will read this. Trust me, my foot isn’t fat. In fact I think it is more average. I am so bummed out I can’t wear these and have to return them. I wanted it for hiking. I can barely get my foot into some of the others. My heel slides in the 37 so there is NO chance I’m keeping these.

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