Jason Tree-Climbing in Colorodo in his Black KSO Vibram Five Fingers

A Vibram Five Fingers fan photo from Jason who hangs from his tree wearing his KSO Vibrams. Real feet are great!

This just in the mailbag from Vibram Five Fingers KSO fan Jason:

Love your website, Vibrams and real feet are great, aren’t they? This shot is on the top of Mount Cutler in Cheyenne Canyon, Colorado. Actually just up the ridge from the actual summit near a steep drop off.

Love this shot as it just seems so human (in a fundamentally natural kind of way)! And yeah, real feet and Vibrams are great! Would you ever consider doing something like this while wearing conventional footwear? Full-fledged barefootedness for those with soles of steel or pseudo-barefootedness (as with fivefingers) is a confidence inpsiring thing, and it provokes outlandishly fun behavior like hanging from trees as Jason demonstrates here.

Thanks for stopping by, Jason!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

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