KSOs on Killer Hill!

Millikan recently wore his Vibram Five Fingers KSOs in the what is billed as the oldest triathlon in the continental United States. With two man teams and canoes it is certainly one of the most unique triathlons. Sounds like fun! Here is a description of…

KSOs on Killer Hill!

Millikan recently wore his Vibram Five Fingers KSOs in the what is billed as the oldest triathlon in the continental United States. With two man teams and canoes it is certainly one of the most unique triathlons. Sounds like fun! Here is a description of the race from Millikan:

Here are a few photo's of me wearing VFF KSOs as I prepared for the start of Morgan's Little Miami Triathlon located at Fort Ancient State Park, Oregonia, Ohio in June, 2010. It is a two-person team race comprised of a 6 mile canoe, 5.5 mile run, and an 18 mile bike race with over 1,000 teams. Morgan's is the largest triathlon of it's type and the oldest triathlon in the continental United States being modeled one year after the first Iron Man Triathlon in Kona, Hawaii in 1979.

My six-month old KSOs performed flawlessly in the canoe then run segments. I wish I could have used them for the bicycle segment but I was forced to switch to my road bike shoes. A key race feature and KSO test was running up the half-mile Killer Hill from the river trail to the bike transition area with the final 50 yards on wooden steps as seen in the photo. I believe very few have ran the complete hill.

Other than the lightening and rain storm at the race start, it was a great event. I especially enjoyed the quick transition time that my VFFs allowed from the canoe to the run. No worrying about changing into running shoes or wearing plastic baggies over my shoes in the canoe.

Note: Fort Ancient State Park is beautiful and features 18,000 feet of earthen walls built 2,000 years ago by Native Americas as well as the famous serpent mounds.

Six miles of canoeing then Killer Hill sounds pretty killer! Thanks for sending us your story, Millikan.