Library Director to run Collingswood Book Festival 5K Race in his VFFs
Brett Bonfield, the director of Collingswood Public Library in New Jersey (just outside of Philadelp
Brett Bonfield, the director of Collingswood Public Library in New Jersey (just outside of Philadelphia), sent in a note to let me know he is training to run in the Collingswood Book Festival 5K Race to Raise Money for New Teen Area in the Library on September 26, 2009.
Brett will be running the race in his Vibram fivefinger Classics, which are prominently featured in the promotional video the library shot for the race (below). The video is done in a silent film style — Brett is shown running through town (VFFed!) in order to help a guy caught beneath a tree branch return a book. Along the way, Brett saves a few teens from reckless behavior by giving them good books to read!
By the way, the race has an interesting catch — all runners who "Beat the Director" will be given back $10 of their $25 registration fee (all proceeds from the race go to setting up a teen area in the Library).
For more details, check out the Collingswood Public Library website!
Best of luck, Brett!