Many Vibram Five Fingers owners bought their Vibrams specifically for running. Others are incorporating straight-up barefoot running into their training. There are even a few of you who are running in other minimalist footwear like the Vivo Barefoot Ev…

Aaron sent us this cool pic of him in the machine shop with his Vibram Five Fingers KSO Treks surrounded by metal shavings and had this to say about it:Don’t tell OSHA! I’ve been wearing my Vibram Five Fingers in the machine shop for over 2 weeks now…

Vibram Five Fingers fan, James, is wrapping up his work at the Icelandic valcano and sent us so final shots of this beautiful island.

While attending a conference in Vegas, cloud computing experts, Adam and Taylor, escaped the Vegas hubbub to try out their Vibram Five Fingers at Red Rock Canyon. After the jump, read Taylor’s description of the day’s events.This was actually both…
BirthdayShoes NewsDuring the past week, we featured breaking news about a five-toed minimalist shoe from Inov-8’s called Evoskin.While hiking Mt. Makiling in his Vibram Fiver Fingers KSOs, Joey encountered some rough terrain while having to fend…

Damien over at Adventure in Progress had his “barefeet to the ground” and happened to notice a tweet by @inov8uk — a tweet that has since been de-tweeted (deleted) — that included a link to a photo on yfrog picturing a new minimalist / barefo…

Vibram Five Fingers Fan, Joey, wore his Vibram Five Fingers KSOs on a 12 mile hike to the summit of Mt. Makiling, a potentially active volcano on the island of Luzon, Philippines.. He encountered all types of terrain and ground conditions. He even had to…

Vibram Five Fingers Fan, Tyson, recently went in to have his foot checked and left with an x-ray of his foot. Oh, his foot was still in his KSOs! Tyson gives us the run down:I went in, because I’ve had pain on the outside of my right foot for some…

Vibram Five Fingers Fan, Graig, recently wore his newly acquired KSOs in a 5 mile race in Spring Lake, New Jersey and had this to say:So enjoy the site and check it almost everyday! I had been experimenting with barefooting over the past few years…
BirthdayShoes NewsDuring the past week, we featured Vibram Five Fingers fan, Joe, enjoying his VFFs on a cruise to Bermuda where they came in handy during his rock climbing adventure.While vacationing in Costa Rica, Glen used his KSO Vibram Five…