An introduction to ChiRunning, a natural running method that be used in conjunction with minimalist or barefoot running, written by Certified ChiRunning instructor David Stretanski.

An introduction to ChiRunning, a natural running method that be used in conjunction with minimalist or barefoot running, written by Certified ChiRunning instructor David Stretanski.
I’m mixing up how I’ve previously tracked new reviews of Vibram Five Fingers (As in, my “Latest Reviews” posts). Each week that goes by brings more and more reviews with it. As these reviews come in, I will be regularly updating this page:Vibram Fi…
Some have wondered how a pair of Classic Vibram Five Fingers would function if you removed the elastic bungee cord strap that cinches behind the heel — is it possible? Advisable? Will the Classic Vibrams stay on your feet? Learn more about this permanent modification to your Classics Vibram Five Fingers!
A comprehensive list of Vibram Five Fingers reviews gathered from around the internet including reviews on Classic, Sprint, KSO (Keep Stuff Out), Flow, KSO Trek, Moc, and Performa reviews.
Jason Robillard discusses the advantages (and disadvantages) to barefoot running (or minimalist shoes running) an ultramarathon — things like moisture control, proprioception, and injury prevention!
A rundown of confirmation regarding certain running shoe design features of the upcoming Vibram FiveFingers Bikila; specifically, information about the podded rubber sole technology and the seamless upper fabric.
Enter into the contest to win a free pair of the brand new Vibram Five Fingers Bikila from City Sports!
An update on the release of the new Vibram Five Fingers Bikila – the barefoot running shoe from Vibram slated to be available in Spring 2010.
Latest week’s Vibram Five Fingers reviews from around the internet!
Vibram Five Fingers fan Josh talks about his black KSO VFFs, which he’s been using for running (post knee surgery), doing errands and yard work and even wearing them to work and church!