A list of blogs and websites whose proprietors are fans of Vibram Five Fingers! Surf around the webring to read what other Vibram fans are doing in their VFFs!
Below are this week’s last VFF reviews: Working out in my Vibram Five Fingers at Learn Fitness [ KSO ]:All of the balance and form comments above are highlighted in spades doing circuits. The combination of weights and cardio circuits really feel…
A screencap from The Doctors show where they show off their Vibram Five Fingers. At least one of the doctors – Dr. Drew Ordon – couldn’t get both KSO VFFs on his feet!In case you missed it on TV, the popular show The Doctors featured VFFs. Dr. Trav…

ex-NFL player and Heisman Trophy winner Eddie George wears his KSO Vibram Five Fingers on the DirectTV Celebrity Beach Bowl!

Trevor provides a Vibram Five Fingers user review/experience covering his Mocs, KSO Treks, Flows, and Classic VFFs.

Complete guide to the Vibram Five Fingers KSO. Basics, design, performance, reviews, user experiences, photos, and more. A one-stop shop for all information about this best-selling full-coverage Vibram FiveFingers model!

A overview and introduction to Dr. Nicholas Romanov’s Pose Method of Running by Barefoot Benny. Includes tips and common running errors as well as an introductory drill and links to additional resources.

Well … maybe not, but they do make you feel incredibly light on your feet. Above photoed is Jesse atop North Fortuna Mountain in San Diego. Jesse is wearing his Vibram Five Fingers KSO Treks. I asked Jesse to share his VFF story with birthdayshoes a…

Running isn’t supposed to hurt (if you’re doing it right!). A look at the barefoot running debate, and a discussion of it’s important consequences for individuals outside the running community.

Above we see Scott kicking his various pairsof KSO Vibram Five Fingers. Scott is hiking, kayaking, bodyboarding, and performing the P90X workouts in his VFFs — though they aren’t pictured, Scott’s first pair of VFFs were the now-discontinued Surge…