This week’s latest Vibram Five Fingers reviews: Vibram Five Fingers at the Complete Body [Class

Paul, photoed above, recently completed his first full marathon, and he did it thanks to his Sprint

Above are photos of what I’m calling the “VFF Turkey Feet Mod” as created and modeled by Haley for a

A drawback to the hook and loop Vibram Five Fingers KSO strap design is that the bend in the loop can cause friction that may ultimately degrade the nylon and break the strap. Use tape to add style and strength to your KSO Vibrams!

Above are photos of Bien and Ben taken at the Nittany Valley Half Marathon at Penn State on Here’s B

Way back in late September one VFF fan got word of the “KSO Trek Tex,” sharing this photo on th

Joshua recently ran the Arthritis Foundation Jingle Bell Run 5k — barefoot — as in, with
Guest article submission by Tim Donahey, NASM CPT As a competitive raw powerlifter, when I’m get

For some reason I had a feeling there would be at least one person at this past weekend’s SEC Champi

Bob recently completed his first 5K in KSO Five Fingers — the Cal Poly Midnight 5K:Ran [th