Steve emailed me about a video he recently put together that shows off a couple pairs of KSO Five Fi

In the mailbag came this note from Cody who decided to trek through snow in his Classic Vibram Five
This week’s latest FiveFingers reviews: Vibram Five Fingers at Life, by Adam Kayce [Sprint]:Vib

Alan sent in the above photos taken recently on a trip to get a Christmas tree:Here is a recent

The photos above were sent in by Chris, who recently ran the Richmond Marathon in Flow Five Fingers.

I got the above photos from Joe Salter who recently ran the Philadelphia Marathon in his KSO Five Fi

Josh submitted the above photos of a recent hike at Ransom Canyon, which is near Lubbock, Texas. Jo

Matt emailed in the above photos taken this past Thursday morning: he ran a 5K in his Flow Five Fing

Ellyn sent in the above photos taken on a “VFF Road Trip” with her sister. Ellyn wrote: This s
You may have noticed I didn’t post the latest reviews last week — that’s because there were no