Pregnant Runner Loves Her Vibram Five Fingers KSOs

As you can see from the picture above, there aren’t many things that keep Josephine from going out on her daily run in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs. Pregnancy and snow didn’t stop her. Here is Josephine’s amazing story:I’m almost 5 months pregnant …

As you can see from the picture above, there aren’t many things that keep Josephine from going out on her daily run in I’m almost 5 months pregnant with twin boys and run daily in my KSO’s in Providence, RI. I have had them for over a year and have run in them in every season and in every weather condition that hits the East coast from blizzards, to rain storms, to oppressive heat. I am madly in love with them! I also can’t say enough good things about them for running while pregnant. I have had no injuries or problems with them and don’t have the “leaden feet” feeling that I remember sometimes having when I ran during my first pregnancy. I also ran daily during that pregnancy up until the day I went into labor and I don’t remember feeling as light on my feet as I do now in my VFF KSO’s- even with twins. They are awesome! I was a die-hard fan before I got pregnant this time and now am even more so. I definitely did not have an easy go of early pregnancy with lots of all day nausea (and puking!) due to the double dose of hormones you get with twins (which BTW, were a complete surprise and not at all what this runner, or her husband, had “planned”!!!), and running is the one thing that has kept me sane and gotten me through these initial months- running in my KSO’s that is! I recommend them to all pregnant women out there and to all runners, pregnant or not!

Thanks so much!


Thank you Josephine! Congratulations on the twins! We wish you all the best and hope to see some barefoot baby pics.

We are not advocating that pregnant women can all run while pregnant. Please check with your doctor to see what makes sense for you.

By Britt

Hailing from College Station, Texas (Home to Texas A&M!), I grew up running cross country. Believe it or not, I gave Justin the name for this site back in early 2009 but I didn't jump on the toe shoes bandwagon until a year later. I am also really into quadcopters and drones and have a blog called

9 replies on “Pregnant Runner Loves Her Vibram Five Fingers KSOs”

Such a great thing for me to read! I’m currently 10 weeks pregnant and everyone thinks I’m crazy for running, let alone running in my VFF’s! My doctor said it was fine for me to continue running, in fact she said it was fine for me to still run a half marathon in May that I signed up for before I knew I was expecting! Thanks for the added inspiration!

Awesome story and good for her! I really want to know how she keeps her toes warm! I, too, love my VFFs and LOVE running in the cold weather, but even with wool Injinjis I don’t get more than 3/4 of a mile before my feet turn into leaden blocks of ice.

You can’t ever tell anything from a picture. Look at the cover of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Barefoot Running” for an example, sometimes its hard to tell even with video or even your own feet whether someone is mid/forefoot striking because of those milliseconds before the foot makes contact.

I totally agree with Drunkmonkey: it’s impossible to tell anything from one shot. There are pictures of Denny Dryer (the Chi Running guy) in which it appears his heel is about to slam into the ground hard enough to leave a divot. In this shot it looks to me like she’s going to land mid-foot, knees bent, right under her center of gravity. It’s only one picture, but she seems to have ideal barefoot form.

It seems the only reliable method of examining how a runner’s foot strikes the ground is via slow-motion video.

I imagine the most difficult thing while running through pregnancy would be adjusting to the changing center of gravity.

I can tell it, she’s not. Her front foot is still several inches above the ground, her knee is slightly flexed, her foot is only a foot ahead her center of mass. A forward motion would show her foot going backwards to land below her center of mass, with the foot landing in such place heel striking is almost impossible.

BTW, her lordosis is already rather noticeable.

Josephine, You look like the picture of radiant health! Lucky babies getting such a healthy start! Wish I could have stayed in my Treks this winter, but my toes were too cold. How did you manage? Continued good health…

Congratulations, Josephine! It is so wonderful to see pregnant women out running, especially in VFFs. I actually stopped running when I became pregnant this time (almost 12 weeks) because of a history of miscarriage. I still walk a lot in them and will get back to running some day!

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