Seven Days at DisneyWorld were a Walk in the Park with Vibram Five Fingers Sprints

Anyone who has ever been to DisneyWorld knows there is a lot of walking involved and that South Florida can get pretty hot. If you are pushing strollers and carrying kids, it can feel more like work than a vacation. Armed with his Vibram Five Fingers Spr…

Anyone who has ever been to DisneyWorld knows there is a lot of walking involved and that South Florida can get pretty hot. If you are pushing strollers and carrying kids, it can feel more like work than a vacation. Armed with his Vibram Five Fingers Sprints, Jason was up to the challenge and had this to say about his vacation:

I took my family on a vacation to DisneyWorld in Orlando from May 31 to June 9 this year. We had 7 day passes to the Disney Parks and did one day at SeaWorld. I logged over 70 miles in my VFF Sprint’s and the only problem I had was when I was forced to wear “real shoes” to the conference I was there for. Couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel and put my VFF’s on and hit the parks. It is the first time in my life I have spent that much time on my “flat feet” and not had a sore back or tired legs. They are truly unbelievable. Oh and by the way, the temp was mid to upper 90’s the whole time, and my feet never got hot at all.

Jason, we hope after seven days of DisneyWorld you were able to log some time by the SeaWorld whale tank cooling off. Thanks for letting us know your Sprints were a great choice for all of that walking.

By Britt

Hailing from College Station, Texas (Home to Texas A&M!), I grew up running cross country. Believe it or not, I gave Justin the name for this site back in early 2009 but I didn't jump on the toe shoes bandwagon until a year later. I am also really into quadcopters and drones and have a blog called

6 replies on “Seven Days at DisneyWorld were a Walk in the Park with Vibram Five Fingers Sprints”

oh man i was there about the sametime in my KSO’s and spent the whole day in them, we did one day in magic kingdom. The funny part is the number of questions and finger pointing i got from wearing my kso’s.

why not get your kids a pair of vibrams too? the sooner they ditch the shoes, the less chance they’ll develop improper walking/running patterns and will have an easier time becoming forefoot dominant

i’m going to do the same thing next month….
But instead ….. I am going to bring 3 pairs of VFF with me…..
–Speed ( my favorite)
and enjoy to walk in all of them….

That’s actually been one of my biggest questions about these shoes – will they work at Disney? I have a few pair and I use them for running, but I haven’t really walked a lot in them. I did spend one day walking around in a mall and playing mini-golf. I had energy and no pains. My friends were complaining about their backs being sore (they don’t have Vibrams). This one day made me think Disney would be fine, but it’s nice to hear it from someone who actually did it.

Great to hear. We are headed there for 2 weeks in Oct. I plan on bringing my KSO’s and bikila’s

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