Shawn Shows off the new black and orange KSO fivefingers (And his black classics)

The picture was taken of my V5F KSO(blk/orange/gray awesome color!) when I was just leaving the gym

Shawn Shows off the new black and orange KSO fivefingers (And his black classics)

Shawn, a personal trainer from Philadelphia, submitted the above photos showing off his growing Vibram fivefingers collection.  You'll notice he's gotten a pair of the latest KSO color combo to hit the streets — black, orange, and gray.  They are looking good!

Here's Shawn:

The picture of my V5F KSO (blk/orange/gray awesome color!) was taken when I was just leaving the gym (Philly), then slipping on the Classic (all blk) while making breakfast. And I should be receiving all black V5F Flow tomorrow (It's getting chilly out).

How about you guys start printing "V5F"(that is what we are calling them) instead of VFF(just a thought, it seems hipper)?

I love my V5F!!!!

It's widely accepted that "Vibram FiveFingers" is a mouthful to say, in turn spawning any number of alternative names for FiveFingers.  "VFF" is definitely the front runner in the online community but there's a lot to be said about just calling them "Vibrams," though the chief difficulty there is in the correct pronunciation of Vibram — it's "vee-brum."

I'm sure the community will settle on something in time!

How about "V-Fives?"