Photos from a recent barefoot runners society meet-up trail run at Lullwater Park near Emory University in Atlanta.

Black KSO Vibram Five Fingers are perhaps one of the most common, if not the most common, color combination KSO in existence. Whether to wear them to work, attempt to blend in, or simply to look stealth while blacked out running, the Black KSO has clearly become a mainstay in teh Vibram Five Fingers line-up.
Below are all the user-submitted black KSO Vibram Five Fingers posts for all the Ninja, Gorilla, and Deeds’ wannabes in the VFF community!
Got Black KSO Vibrams? These fans do!
Photos from a recent barefoot runners society meet-up trail run at Lullwater Park near Emory University in Atlanta.
Vibram Five Fingers fan Josh talks about his black KSO VFFs, which he’s been using for running (post knee surgery), doing errands and yard work and even wearing them to work and church!
A Vibram Five Fingers KSO running transition story from Raymond, who quickly adjusted to running in his barefoot alternative shoes (VFFs) and was soon running a 30K race in them!
Photos of a snow run in the U.K. wearing Vibram Five Fingers KSOs from Dave, a triathlete who is working on upping his barefoot running mileage
ex-NFL player and Heisman Trophy winner Eddie George wears his KSO Vibram Five Fingers on the DirectTV Celebrity Beach Bowl!
Above we see Scott kicking his various pairsof KSO Vibram Five Fingers. Scott is hiking, kayaking, bodyboarding, and performing the P90X workouts in his VFFs — though they aren’t pictured, Scott’s first pair of VFFs were the now-discontinued Surge…
Logan relays a recent VFF experience he had in his KSO Treks:I ran into another Vibram wearer on Saturday during the Myrtle Beach Marathon after-party. The other fellow and his wife from upstate NY have not seen the Treks up close yet. Upon touchin…
Above are photos sent in by Jeff (and his significant other) taken amidst the Washington D.C. “Snowpocalypse.” They went for a six mile run which included “ice skating” on the reflecting pool. Check out Jeff’s account:Just got back from one of the mo…
Above is Erik, having an extraordinarily fun time on the playground in his black Five Finger KSOs. Here’s what Erik had to say:Justin, I really enjoy your website and forum, as I’ve used it from the sizing guide (prior to getting my vffs) and ever…
Hi Justin,Today i went to a radio station invited to talk about the segway tours I give around Barcelona, when they saw the Ksos they were so intrigued by them that I had to explain on air what they where and why I am wearing them.I took a few pi…