fitness Vibram V-Train 2.0 Review Made for fitness, the V-Train 2.0 has versatility beyond its fitness-oriented
fitness X-Rayed Vibram Five Fingers KSO Treks Vibram Five Fingers Fan, Tyson, recently went in to have his foot checked and left with an x-ray of his foot. Oh, his foot was still in his KSOs! Tyson gives us the run down:I went in, because I've had pain on the outside of my right foot for some…
fitness Parkour traceurs are head over heels for their Vibram Five Fingers Sprints Vibram Five Fingers fan, Charlie, on Parkour in Vibram Five Fingers Sprints:I am always looking to convert newcomers to the Way of Bare Feet. Walking around in "those toe shoes" always grabs peoples' attention, and I have grown to love the freeing…
fitness Australian Wombat Bowls in Japan Wearing Vibram Five Fingers Sprints Uh..perhaps we should explain. Australian Vibram Five Fingers fan, Alex, is a bowler for the Tokyo Wombats Cricket Club. He recently gave his Sprints a try on the cricket field. (Alex was previously seen on BirthdayShoes running in Japan wearing his Spri…
fitness Slackchaining - A variation on slacklining done in Vibram Five Fingers Flows VFF fan, Jason, on his variation of slacklining done wearing his new Vibram Five Fingers Flows:I picked up my VFF Flows over Easter and I love them. The Flows were the only pair that fit me, but I got them half off, so I won't complain. I've been…
fitness Derik's KSO Treks at Work and Five Fingers Flows at the Gym Here's what Derik has to say about his newly acquired Vibram Five Fingers KSO Treks and Flows:My first pair of VFF's! I received them in the mail about 3 weeks ago and was anxious to hit the gym and treadmill with them. I searched everywhere here in…
celebrities Channing Tatum runs in KSO Treks (via Recent G.I. Joe, She's the Man, and Stop-Loss star Channing Tatum has been spotted wearing KSO Trek Five Fingers while on his way to workout. TMZ had a video segment titled "If the shoe fits" on the VFF-sighting that aired on television on January 1…
fitness Feeling Fitness Deep Down In My Sole Guest article submission by Tim Donahey, NASM CPT As a competitive raw powerlifter, when I'm get
fitness Cody Tries Ultimate Frisbee in FiveFinger Sprints Cody wrote in to tell me about his recent experience testing out his Vibram FiveFingers Sprints for
fitness Post-run Headstand Leg Drains with Jawa Jawa sent in the above photos taken after a seven mile run in Diamond Bar, California (You might rec
fitness Kettlebells and Vibram FiveFinger Classics In the mailbag came the above photos from Bob Garon, who does a "Kettlebell Boot Camp" in Gilbert, A
fitness Sandy Sommer Talks Kettlebells and Five Fingers Russian Kettlebell Club instructor Sandy Sommers talks about using his Vibram Five Fingers Sprints with his training swinging, pressing, and cleaning kettlebells.