An interview with TJ, the President of the newly Barefoot Runners Society about how she got into running barefoot, Morton’s Neuroma, and where she expects to take the BRS!

An interview with TJ, the President of the newly Barefoot Runners Society about how she got into running barefoot, Morton’s Neuroma, and where she expects to take the BRS!
How did you get into barefooting? Why do you think it is important?First of all, let me take an opportunity to thank you for this interview and the ability to speak to your readers. You operate a fantastic site and I look forward to working with y…
Exclusive interview with Born to Run author Christopher McDougall who talks about American culture, the barefoot running movement, and what’s next for this best selling author!
Interview with Patri Friedman, Vibram Five Fingers fan and founder of the Seasteading Institute, an organization that has set out to revolutionize the means by which nations are formed and thereby increase competition in government!
Nick Jones over at Prestige Broadcasting asked me to participate in a podcast covering Vibram FiveFingers and and I was happy to oblige.You can listen to the podcast here:Thanks for having me on the show, Nick! Enjoyed it g…
An interview with Vibram Five Fingers fan Sterling Purdy who lost over 50 lbs. by changing his diet and lifestyle to one more in tune with his primal roots.
Russian Kettlebell Club instructor Sandy Sommers talks about using his Vibram Five Fingers Sprints with his training swinging, pressing, and cleaning kettlebells.
Interview with hang glider Davis Straub who flies barefoot or in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs.
Interviewing Justine Lam on her Vibram Five Fingers KSOs — she uses them for hiking and crossfit, among other things.
Interview with Vibram Five Fingers fan and health enthusiast, blogger Richard Nikoley of the popular paleo community blog, Free the Animal