A Vibram FiveFingers and Barefoot Wedding

Gidds sent us the following story about going barefoot at her wedding with the groom wearing Vibram Five Fingers black KSOs, of course.I started wearing VFFs last year around Memorial Day because I have a lot of foot problems but I strive to have a…

Natural Running in Huaraches and Vibram Five Fingers

James and his buddies have been gradually increasing their miles and competing in longer races in preparation for a half marathon. James sent us this story about their last run in the 2011 Pensacola Double Bridge 15K Run:Fellow barefoot runners a…

Vibram Five Fingers to Lose Weight and Get in Shape

The BirthdayShoes.com forum is chock full of great information from the most passionate minimalist shoe fans around. Sometimes the stories are so compelling that they need to be published here on the main blog. Chris’s story is one of those. He has been…

Pregnant Runner Loves Her Vibram Five Fingers KSOs

As you can see from the picture above, there aren’t many things that keep Josephine from going out on her daily run in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs. Pregnancy and snow didn’t stop her. Here is Josephine’s amazing story:I’m almost 5 months pregnant …

Surviving a 7 hour Fitness Camp in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs

Jake Morrison, of PA Fitcamp, introduced his client Lindsay to Vibram Five Fingers as a way to help her get fit. Lindsay shared her fitness journey with us in the following testimonial:My VFF StoryLindsayI had chronic knee problems since I wa…

Couch to Half Marathon in 8 Months wearing Vibram Five Fingers

We love getting stories and photos from BirthdayShoes readers. The following post came in from Jeremy who is a Vibram Five Fingers Fan in Dubai. If you would like to send us your photos and a brief story that goes along with them, here is a guide on just…

Evolution of an Ultrarunner in Five Fingers KSOs and TrekSports

What follows is the Jon’s journey from running marathons in traditional shoes to running the in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs an then later running Ultra Marathons in Five Fingers Trek Sports. After the jump, read about his successes and the bumps he enco…

First Marathon in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs

After doing no marathon training, Chris recently ran his first marathon in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs and finished with a darn good time. You may remember Chris from when he ran the Baltimore Half Marathon with Bien. Here’s what he sent us about running th…

New 5K PR in Five Fingers Bikilas

Matt has a nice collection of Vibram Five Fingers that he has been wearing for quite a while. He sent us this note on how they have been working for him:Just wanted to share a quick story since I finally have a good picture with my VFFs. I wear my…

Transatlantic Cruising Five Fingers Style

Bill decided to get a little marathon training in wearing his Vibram Five Fingers KSOs while cruising the Atlantic. Here’s what he shared with us:I thought I would share some pictures my wife took of me in my KSOs on our cruise on the Norwegian Sun…