How to Run in Minimalist Footwear (a.k.a. "Barefoot Shoes") Stretch your toes in Moc Vibram Five Fingers! Trevor talks about his growing collection of VFFs. Trevor provides a Vibram Five Fingers user review/experience covering his Mocs, KSO Treks, Flows, and Classic VFFs.
travel Ryan Travels the World in Flows, KSOs, and Mocs! The above photos came in from Ryan, who has been taking his VFF collection on the road (or in the air) as he's traveled to India, Hawaii, and gone on an ocean cruise! Here's a bit more:Greetings, Justin!I've had the pleasure of taking my VFFs to…
User Stories Shawn's 25 pairs of Vibram Five Fingers: Collect the Whole Set! Shawn is quite possibly the biggest Vibram Five Fingers fan I've encountered so far as he has a whopping twenty-five pairs of Vibrams!
Barefoot Shoes Vibram FiveFingers Moc - Unboxing and First Look [Video and Photos] A video overview and initial write-up on the Vibram Five Fingers Moc, the brand new kangaroo leather foot glove barefoot shoe from Vibram.
General Official Announcement on New fivefingers Models Released! You can read it on the official Vibram fivefingers facebook page!The note lists the three new mo
General Order the Vibram FiveFingers KSO Trek, the Moc, and Performa! I'm excited to announce that John over at has started taking orders for the Vibram Five Fingers KSO Trek, Moc, and Performa.
General Interview with Vibram USA President Tony Post [Video] Raw Food World TV did an impromptu interview with Vibram USA President Tony Post on Monday, August 1
General The Skinny on the FiveFingers Moc and Performa a.k.a. "Glove" for men and women On the shoulders of the recent news about new models fivefingers Bikila (arriving in 2010) and fivef
General More on the FiveFingers Trek, Glove plus the Cortina, Moc, and Performa As a follow-up to the last post on the new fivefingers Trek and Glove comes a bit more information p
General Two New Vibram Five Fingers Models, the Glove/Moc/Performa and KSO Trek, listed on! Breaking new models of Vibram Five Fingers -- the leather KSO Trek barefoot trail shoe, the Vibram Moc and Performa -- leather foot gloves with the thinnest Vibram soles yet!