hiking Say Yes in Vibram FiveFingers If you're going to propose, why not do it at the top of a beautiful mountain? Why not do it wearing your favorite shoes that look like feet? Vibram FiveFingers!
hiking An Infantryman's Leave: Dunes and Mountain Trekking in Foot Fingers Hello fellow "foot fingers" I would just like share what I did in my FiveFingers while I was on block leave. The first picture (Bham) is just me in my home town Birmingham, Alabama playing around at a mini golf course "Roll Tide". My second pictur…
General FiveFingers for Dancing the Night Away at Senior Prom Spencer writes in about his recent senior prom experience in Vibram FiveFingers!Me and my Girlfriend's family all love FiveFingers! I have two pairs, Black VFF's and Gray/green Bikila's. We wear them everyday! This year for my senior prom at Gran…
Barefoot Shoes Merrell Barefoot Trail Glove vs. Vibram FiveFingers TrekSport A while back, I did a review of the Vibram Five Fingers Trek Sport. So, now that I have had a chance to try the Merrell Trail Glove I thought it would be interesting to compare the two trail shoes. What follows is a comparison and review as well as a vid…
General Vibram FiveFingers Jaya, KomodoSport for Women Available Now! Big news!Five Fingers retailer CitySports has just put up for purchase women's KomodoSports (This is the first they've been made available! No men's yet!), women's Jayas (A women-only shoe), and two new colors of TrekSports -- re…
How to Run in Vibram Five Fingers, Barefoot, or in Other Minimalist Footwear (a.k.a. "Barefoot Shoes") Evolution of an Ultrarunner in Five Fingers KSOs and TrekSports What follows is the Jon's journey from running marathons in traditional shoes to running the in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs an then later running Ultra Marathons in Five Fingers Trek Sports. After the jump, read about his successes and the bumps he enco…
How to Run in Vibram Five Fingers, Barefoot, or in Other Minimalist Footwear (a.k.a. "Barefoot Shoes") Father Dorn's Conversion to Five Fingers In the beginning, Father Patrick Dorn, wore traditional running shoes, but he recently switched to Vibram Five Fingers. Here is Fr. Dorn's story:I'm Fr. Patrick Dorn, priest at "runner friendly" Church of the Apostles (Anglican) in Evergreen, Colo…
How to Run in Vibram Five Fingers, Barefoot, or in Other Minimalist Footwear (a.k.a. "Barefoot Shoes") Newlyweds Run Marathon in Toe Shoes on Icelandic Honeymoon Patrick and Sarah recently honeymooned in Iceland. While there, they ran the Reykjavik Marathon in their Vibram Five Fingers. Here is what Patrick shared with us about their trip:Thought I'd pass a note along to say how great the Five Fingers we…
General New Women's Vibram Five Fingers Trek Sport Available at CitySports! We've just learned that a new Five Fingers Trek Sport for women has been released and is available for purchase from CitySports! Not only that, but it is available in two colors: Champagne and Black.The Trek Sport is a cross between a KSO and a KSO T…
Barefoot Shoes Close Up Review: Vibram Five Fingers Trek Sport Why Trek Sports?Being the new kid (geriatric new kid, that is!) on the Birthday Shoes block, I only own two pair of Vibram Five Fingers, the Classics and Bikilas. My Classics don't get a lot of wear except as an occasional flip flop alternative (Just…
General Vibram Five Fingers Trek Sport, Blue Bikila Released for Sale! It's been six long months since we first saw the Vibram Five Fingers Trek Sport — and the blue and grey Vibram Five Fingers Bikila showcased at the winter Outdoor Retailer — at last they are here. Yep, it's time to pick up "just one more" pa…
Barefoot Shoes The New Fall 2010 Vibram Five Fingers Models and Colors - KSO Remix, Smartwool Classics, More! BirthdayShoes.com is pleased to introduce a TheShoeMart.com as new site sponsor and simultaneously give you a preview of the new Vibram Five Fingers 2010 fall line-up which will soon be available there. You can be confident you are getting the real thing…