Shooting Clay Pigeons in Five Fingers with the Texas Governor

We can add shooting to the list of things people do in their Vibram Five Fingers! Robbie sent us his story about a recent trip to the shooting range with Texas Governor, Rick Perry. Read about it after the jump.Robbie’s Trek Sports give him firm fo…

Nautica Malibu Triathlon After Just 6 weeks in Five Fingers

Though we suggest all runners transitioning to Vibram Five Fingers take their time and make a very gradual transition, Rafael ran in the Nautica Malibu Triathlon after just six weeks in Vibram Five Fingers.My name is Rafael from Sacramento, CA. I…

Vibram Five Fingers Sprints Take On the Sierre-Zinal

Stéphane, a Vibram Five Fingers fan, wore his Sprints to run in the 31K Sierre-Zinal mountain race in Switzerland. Stéphane shares his story below:I like to read other people’s stories on the BirthdayShoes website and I thought I could also share…

UK Rat Racer Wears Vibram Five Fingers KSOs

Extreme races are the rage these days and Vibram Five Fingers fan Dave recently ran in a UK event called the Rat Race Urban Adventure. He donned his KSOs and went for it! Here is what Dave had to say:A couple pics of me from this last weekends River R…

Traveling with Toe Shoes to Tulum

Much to the chagrin of her husband, Lindsay found her Vibram Five Fingers Bikilas to be great for hiking the ruins of Tulum and cooling off in the sands of the Mexico beaches. Here is what she had to say:My name is Lindsay and I’m from Dallas, TX. M…

“Barefoot Paul” Competes at the World Mountain Running Championships in KSO Treks

In 2010, “Barefoot Paul” Peterson excelled at mountain running qualifying for the Men’s US Mountain Running Junior Team and competing at the World Championships in Slovenia. His success running in Vibram Five Fingers is truly amazing! Read Paul’s recap h…

Newlyweds Run Marathon in Toe Shoes on Icelandic Honeymoon

Patrick and Sarah recently honeymooned in Iceland. While there, they ran the Reykjavik Marathon in their Vibram Five Fingers. Here is what Patrick shared with us about their trip:Thought I’d pass a note along to say how great the Five Fingers we…

Vibram Five Fingers Fare Well at the Fair

Chad decided to put his Vibram Five Fingers KSOs to the test at the Minnesota State Fair. He gave them quite a workout as he describes below:I have had my Vibram KSOs for about 3 months now. I have been using them for running, biking, working out i…

Hiking the Garden of the Gods in Vibram Five Fingers

Pictured above in their Bikilas and KSOs, Andy and Kaitlyn visited the The Garden of the Gods on their recent trip to Colorado. Andy gives us the details below:Hey! My name is Andy and recently my girlfriend Kaitlyn and I went to Colorado to visi…

26 miles and 385 yards in Five Fingers Bikilas

Blair has been logging serious miles in his KSOs and Bikilas while accumulating a nice collection of Vibram Five Fingers. Here is what he had to say:Hi guys,Just wanted to send along a pic of my second marathon is my Vibrams. First one was in my…