Five Fingers KSOs in the Klondike

Phillip, a Vibram Five Fingers fan, and his girlfriend recently hiked the Chilkoot Trail in Alaska and British Columbia. This trail was used by prospectors during the Klondike Gold Rush to reach the Yukon goldfields. It is a 33 mile trail that can takes…

Traveling Light to Greece with a Collection of Vibrams

Steve took along his Vibram Five Fingers Classics, Sprints and Bikilas on a recent trip to Greece. That’s about 2 pounds. Not bad for three pairs of shoes. After the jump, read what Steve had to say about his travels, see some more great pics and learn t…

Gardening in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs

Jason sent us the following message about his search for the perfect gardening shoe:I’ve finally found the perfect gardening shoe! I am an avid gardener and have spent years trying to find a shoe that was able to meet the demands of gardening. I tr…

KSOs on Killer Hill!

Millikan recently wore his Vibram Five Fingers KSOs in the what is billed as the oldest triathlon in the continental United States. With two man teams and canoes it is certainly one of the most unique triathlons. Sounds like fun! Here is a description of…

Skydiving and Running in Vibram Five Fingers Bikilas

Jeremy, sent us this cool pic of him skydiving in his Bikilas which he mostly uses for running. Here is what he had to say:The jump was fun. I’ve done it a couple times in the past. I’ve been running in Five Fingers for about a year now. Ori…

Choosing between Orthotics and Bikilas

Joe, a Vibram Five Fingers fan, sent us his story of choosing barefoot running in Bikilas over orthotics. Although, we don’t recommend going against a doctor’s advice, the recent popularity of barefoot running has produced many differing opinions on what…

Hiking the Sierra Nevada in KSO Treks

Ted, a veteran hiker and Five Fingers fan, seems to have found relief from Morton’s Neuroma by wearing KSO Treks while hiking and sent us his story:Eleven years ago I became addicted to hiking the high mountains of Southern California and the Sierr…

Sprint Triathlon in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs

Jason, a Vibram Five Fingers fan, recently ran in the East Fork Sprint Triathlon in his brown KSOs and sent us this report:I have enjoyed your site for a while now and love to see all the different things that people do in their Five Fingers, I hav…

Relaxing in Vibram Five Fingers Bahamas Style

In the photo above, Paul and Janette enjoy some beach time in their Vibram Five Fingers while on vacation in the Bahamas. Paul sent us this message:My wife and I, took a trip to the Bahamas this July and of course we brought our VFF’s (SPRINT and KS…

Finnish Girls Hike Alps in Toe Shoes

Sara and Eeva were ready to get the heck out of Finland after graduation, so it was off to the German Alps where they could hike through the snow in their Five Fingers. They sent us some pics and a summary of their trip:We are two Finnish girls who a…