Going Toe to Toe in Classic and Sprint Vibram Five Fingers

From VFFer Stephanie comes the above photo — a meeting of the toes via new Classic Vibram Five Fingers:Taken in Madison, Wisconsin on January 31, 2010. Picture shows my black Sprints and two of my sisters in lilac Classics. Taken outside of the…

Derik’s KSO Treks at Work and Five Fingers Flows at the Gym

Here’s what Derik has to say about his newly acquired Vibram Five Fingers KSO Treks and Flows:My first pair of VFF’s! I received them in the mail about 3 weeks ago and was anxious to hit the gym and treadmill with them. I searched everywhere here in…

Interview with Christopher McDougall, author of Born to Run

Exclusive interview with Born to Run author Christopher McDougall who talks about American culture, the barefoot running movement, and what’s next for this best selling author!

D.C. Snowpocalypse fun runs with Jeff in KSO Vibrams

Above are photos sent in by Jeff (and his significant other) taken amidst the Washington D.C. “Snowpocalypse.” They went for a six mile run which included “ice skating” on the reflecting pool. Check out Jeff’s account:Just got back from one of the mo…

Bob’s VFF Flows at Massive Snowball Fight in Washington D.C.

In the video above is Bob wearing black Flow Vibram Five Fingers. The video was shot at Dupont Circle, Washington D.C. at a massive snowball fight. If you didn’t already know, D.C. got nailed with a snowstorm that shutdown the city. Here’s Bob on…

James’ Classic V5Fs and the Aurora Borealis

Hey,Just thought you might like this pic! I got my Classics (my first pair of VFFs) yesterday and fell in love immediately. I was wearing them round my apartment to break them (and my feet) in, when I looked out the window… and there was the best d…

Samuel takes his VFF Sprints on a Trail Run

I stumbled on a great VFF trail running video by Samuel Duregger the other day. I asked Sam if he’d mind I share the video with birthdayshoes and he kindly obliged:Cool video — I really dig the accompanying music.Sam has been running…

Erik takes his KSO Five Fingers to the Playground

Above is Erik, having an extraordinarily fun time on the playground in his black Five Finger KSOs. Here’s what Erik had to say:Justin, I really enjoy your website and forum, as I’ve used it from the sizing guide (prior to getting my vffs) and ever…

Interview with Patri Friedman, Seasteading Institute Founder

Interview with Patri Friedman, Vibram Five Fingers fan and founder of the Seasteading Institute, an organization that has set out to revolutionize the means by which nations are formed and thereby increase competition in government!

Joe’s Five Balls, Five Fingers

If you’re ever in the mood for juggling 5 mini basketballs, I highly recommend wearing VFF’s while doing so. They help keep your balance, and they help your balls stay in the air longer. When gravity is doing everything it can to bring the balls past yo…