Barefoot Farm Half Marathon

Where it all began:
My route to Half Marathon-dom began with Christopher McDougall believe it or not. If it wasn’t for him, I would not have had my first experience on the trail, and be a part of an awe-inspiring organization.

It was all because of…

FiveFingers in the Philippines

Hey Justin! I love your site so I just really wanted to share my story with my Five Fingers.

So here goes: In about a month, I and my friends are going to graduate from college and go on to study in medical school. To celebrate, we decided to take a…

Going for a World Record: Juggling an entire Triathlon

Most didn’t think it’s possible. I mean, how would you swim and juggle? How about biking and juggling? Well, I’ll explain briefly how I got to this goal of juggling while competing in a triathlon. I am a runner, juggler, and joggler. Joggling (running a…

A Man Can Outrun a Horse in a Race

I suck at distance running. I won’t say I don’t enjoy it. I do. Running along single tracks through the hilly forests and open fields that surround my Oregon community is pleasurable. (For about a half-hour, especially.) But everything is relative. I…

Women and Barefoot/Natural Running – Merrell Reaches Out

Merrell has recently launched an effort to reach and encourage women who are curious about the barefoot/bareform or barefoot-style/natural running movement. You can check out their micro-site here.

Back in September of 2011 when Merrell had a bunch…

Barefoot and FiveFingers Fan Gets 5-Toed/Barefoot Logo Tattoo!

… Well this is pretty much how i got into barefoot running:).. I started running in 8th grade, and I used regular tennis shoes at the time, until I rolled my ankle and tore a ligament. I hated wearing any type of shoe anyway, so this made me hate them…

Vibram FiveFingers: Engaged!

Justin (not me) sent in a few photos his fiancee Ashley and he took for their engagement. Congrats, you two! Check’em out:

And here’s what Justin had to say about the photos:


Our names are Justin and Ashley and we took some of our eng…

Running in Stem Natural Origins Shoes and KSOs

This is a user submitted story that was sent to me by a forum member of ours. He wanted to share his experience training for and running in his first race.

First off, I want to say Special thanks to Elizabeth Chauncey of EastCan (www.eastcan.or…

FiveFingers Kids KSO at Machu Picchu

This is a shorter user submitted story. It comes from Shipmon family. They wanted to share a couple of photos of Diego Shipmon age 5 sporting his five fingers at the ruins of Machu Picchu. Diego will be 6 years old this month so Happy Birthday to him…

Running a Marathon in Japan in Vibram FiveFingers

Today’s user submitted story comes to us from Marcc Occhio Canadian expat living in Japan. He had the opportunity to participate in the Shin-Tomei full marathon recently in his Vibram FiveFingers KSO and wanted to share his experience with us.
