walking How to Walk Barefoot Most of us learned to walk in heeled shoes, but learning to walk barefoot or in barefoot shoes requires listening to your body and relearning biomechanics to minimize impact. Like a fox.
play Vibram Five Fingers Fare Well at the Fair Chad decided to put his Vibram Five Fingers KSOs to the test at the Minnesota State Fair. He gave them quite a workout as he describes below:I have had my Vibram KSOs for about 3 months now. I have been using them for running, biking, working out i…
How to Run in Vibram Five Fingers, Barefoot, or in Other Minimalist Footwear (a.k.a. "Barefoot Shoes") Traveling Light to Greece with a Collection of Vibrams Steve took along his Vibram Five Fingers Classics, Sprints and Bikilas on a recent trip to Greece. That's about 2 pounds. Not bad for three pairs of shoes. After the jump, read what Steve had to say about his travels, see some more great pics and learn t…
User Stories Seven Days at DisneyWorld were a Walk in the Park with Vibram Five Fingers Sprints Anyone who has ever been to DisneyWorld knows there is a lot of walking involved and that South Florida can get pretty hot. If you are pushing strollers and carrying kids, it can feel more like work than a vacation. Armed with his Vibram Five Fingers Spr…
casual wear Athletic Director and Primal Lifestyle Devotee Rockin' his KSOs in Southeast Asia Vibram Five Fingers fan, Bob, on his KSOs:I live in Bangkok, Thailand, and my wife and I took a trip recently to Cambodia, and we walked all around the wonderful temples near Siem Reap, including Angkor Wat - one of the most beautiful historical site…
casual wear Vibram Five Fingers KSO Treks Provide a Firm Footing at the Homestead of the Rocks Mike comments on his trip to Ireland and how he found out about Vibram Five Fingers:I just got back from a week in Ireland on March 20th. I enthralled the Irish populace with my "cool slippers". From Dublin to Ballinskelligs, they were a hit, rain…
User Stories VFF Noob Buys his First Pair of Vibram Five Fingers (black Classics) A newbie's fresh take on picking a Vibram Five Fingers style, finding a pair in stock (buying experience), and how his feet have broken in to his new barefoot shoes.
travel Two sisters take a Vibram Five Fingers Road Trip Ellyn sent in the above photos taken on a "VFF Road Trip" with her sister. Ellyn wrote: This s
travel FiveFingers and Tom Otterness sculptures on the Subway in NYC Kristy sent in the above photo showing her black Classic FiveFingers-clad feet next to part of Tom O
Black KSO Vibram Five Fingers a.k.a. Ninja Shoes, Gorilla Feet, Mr. Deeds' Feet Ben Walks Beijing in KSOs FiveFingers Ben sent in the above photos snapped in the Forbidden City (Beijing, China). Ben was travelling thr
Black KSO Vibram Five Fingers a.k.a. Ninja Shoes, Gorilla Feet, Mr. Deeds' Feet Max hits the Zoo in Black KSO Vibram Five Fingers Max sent in the above photos taken at the Indianapolis zoo:Me and my fivefingers at the Indianapol
Black KSO Vibram Five Fingers a.k.a. Ninja Shoes, Gorilla Feet, Mr. Deeds' Feet John Strolls around a Bazaar in Afghanistan in his KSO Vibram Five Fingers The dirt "moon dust" is kept out pretty well with a combination of KSO and Injinji socks. Usually b