Relaxing in Vibram Five Fingers Bahamas Style

In the photo above, Paul and Janette enjoy some beach time in their Vibram Five Fingers while on vacation in the Bahamas. Paul sent us this message:My wife and I, took a trip to the Bahamas this July and of course we brought our VFF’s (SPRINT and KS…

U.S. Marine Captain uses his Vibram Five Fingers KSOs for Track, Crossfit and Boating

Patrick, a U.S. Marine Captain and Vibram Five Fingers fan, sent us the above photo and had this to say about his recent canoeing trip to the Saco River:Love reading your blog entries. I took a trip back to Braintree, Massachusetts to visit my fami…

Vibram Five Fingers Fan Gets His Feet Wet in a New Pair of KSOs

Avid fisherman and sailor, Jonathan, has found that Vibram Five Fingers make great boat shoes. He tested them out on a recent fishing trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina.Read about his experience choosing the right pair of Vibrams and see pics…

Floating in the Dead Sea in KSO Vibram Five Fingers

Vibram Five Fingers KSO fan Krisjand talks traveling to Israel (and floating in the Dead Sea), barefoot running overcoming a knee injury, and spreading the word to friends about his new barefoot running shoes!

P90X, Hiking, and Watersports in KSO Vibram Five Fingers

Above we see Scott kicking his various pairsof KSO Vibram Five Fingers. Scott is hiking, kayaking, bodyboarding, and performing the P90X workouts in his VFFs — though they aren’t pictured, Scott’s first pair of VFFs were the now-discontinued Surge…

Jawa’s Vibram Vacation

I am sure Vibram Five Fingers have been subjected to various conditions and your website serves as a single, authentic source where real people share their success with Vibram. As you may know I have been using Vibram since September 2009 and recently r…

Aquathlons and Vibram Five Fingers (KSO Treks and Sprints)

Vibram Five Fingers fan sends in photos of him running in an Aquathlon.

Marsha Rows in Classic Vibram Five Fingers

I ran into Marsha via twitter — it seems Marsha rows in her Classic Vibram FiveFingers. As I

Lake Tahoe and Mark’s fivefinger Classics

“M” sent in the above three photos of his fivefinger Classics-clad feet on “their first vacation” to

Miguel Takes his new VFFs for a Spin to the Beach

Above are Miguel’s new kicks — the brown/walnut Classic Five Fingers. The photo was taken aft