Levi and Linz Honeymoon in Cancun. Traveling with Vibram Five Fingers

In the mailbag comes this Vibram Five Fingers KSO user review from Levi (forum member “Leaves”) who recently got married — Congratulations! — and went on to vacation in Cancun, Mexico. Here is what Levi had to say about traveling and sight-s…

In the mailbag comes this Vibram Five Fingers KSO user review from Levi (forum member “Leaves“) who recently got married — Congratulations! — and went on to vacation in Cancun, Mexico. Here is what Levi had to say about traveling and sight-seeing Mexico in VFFs:

The wife and I were married January 9, 2010, and left that next day for Cancun, were we stayed at the Moon Palace Resort. Everywhere I went the VFF’s were a spectacle. In the market the merchants would yell, “Hey! I like your shoes!” At the resort people would quite frequently stop me to take pictures of my feet, ask about arch support and result in a brief discussion about barefoot, Vibram’s and my previous stress related injuries. Notice that the wife doesn’t have any on her feet … she does now. 🙂 We have been waiting since November on a black pair of KSO’s, 42W, to come in … no such luck, yet. So, she settled for the grey/purple, as it was the only available KSO or VFF in her size.

Glad to hear Linz has been hooked up with some VFFs! I like grey/purple KSO FiveFingers personally — tried to get my wife a pair, but she went for Classics instead.

Anyway, glad you’re spreading the word about Vibram’s barefoot alternative to the folks in Mexico! Thanks for sharing your VFF experience!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

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