Tyler’s First Half-Marathon in KSO Five Fingers

Tyler sent in the above photos taken after he completed his first half marathon in his KSO FiveFinge

Tyler sent in the above photos taken after he completed his first half marathon in his KSO FiveFingers — the San Antonio Rock’n’Roll half:

I have been running since June in my Black KSOs. The pics were taken at the after race party in San Antonio at the Alamo Dome / Finishing Line of the San Antonio Half Marathon 2009.

I had people / runners talking to me throughout the run about my “crazy cool shoes”. I overheard a couple of people saying, “Gosh, that guy is hard core running in those” which of course, is a perfect ego boost before taking on a quick 13.1 mile run.

I finished in 2:07 which wasn’t great but not bad for my first.

I’m planning on doing another half in December, Dallas White Rock 1/2 Marathon as part of my training for a Marathon in my VFFs in early 2010.

Great website!

Nice times! And congrats on completing your first half-marathon “VFF-shod.”

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

4 replies on “Tyler’s First Half-Marathon in KSO Five Fingers”

I was in San Antonio also and finish right after Tyler. There was another KSO runner in front of me. Maybe I’ll wear mine on my next half.

Oh my gosh, how I found out about your shoes is a story in itself, but I tried to run today in the kso shoes I got from REI in Tacoma, only because someone had returned them from an internet buy there, another story. Any way for the FIRST time in my life and that is 57 years long when I tried to run today I COULD!! I am going to try and run a half marathon in May, do you have any tips for a first time runner? I am a believer in this shoe, it works for me, thank you.

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