Vibram Five Fingers help Malaysian Runner with Plantar Fasciitis

Nadia, an avid runner and cyclist from Malaysia has suffered pain from runner’s knee and plantar fasciitis. After researching Vibram Five Fingers on the web and here at, she decided to purchase a pair of Sprints to see if they would help;

Nadia, an avid runner and cyclist from Malaysia, has suffered pain from runner’s knee and plantar fasciitis. After researching Vibram Five Fingers on the web and here at I chose Sprint because you can do so many things in them and that’s just what I need. I did a half marathon in them and my plantar fasciitis felt much better!

Nadia in her VFF Sprints

Nadia at the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon where she officiated and ran a half marathon in her Sprints.
Nadia wearing her Sprints on a bike ride

Nadia wearing her Sprints for the first time on a bike ride.
Nadia on a SkyTrek adventure

Nadia tries out her VFF Sprints on this SkyTrek adventure where her sure footed Sprints proved to be very valuable.

She later purchased a pair of Vibram Five Finger Classics and said:

I loved it so much that I ordered a second pair – a black classic – and wear them to work everyday. They get a lot of stares and hoots and I always enjoy the attention.

Thanks Nadia, and please send us a picture wearing your Classics with your work attire!

By Britt

Hailing from College Station, Texas (Home to Texas A&M!), I grew up running cross country. Believe it or not, I gave Justin the name for this site back in early 2009 but I didn't jump on the toe shoes bandwagon until a year later. I am also really into quadcopters and drones and have a blog called

4 replies on “Vibram Five Fingers help Malaysian Runner with Plantar Fasciitis”

I had a very similar experience. After dealing with plantar fasciitis for four months, I ditched the custom orthotics and motion control shoes for a pair of KSOs. From the moment I started running in them, my feet have felt great. The inflamation and pain quickly went away. I can’t imagine ever going back to those shoes.

I bought my VVF Sport Trek at Travis Hagel in Penang at Straits Quay tel 048908992. Understand you can also find them in KL at Bangsar – Lafuma.

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