Mountain Biking in Austin in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs

Lou continues to put his KSOs (and photography skills!) to good use: this time with a friend along t

Lou continues to put his KSOs (and photography skills!) to good use: this time with a friend along to help snap some great fivefinger KSO action shots! Here’s Lou describing the ride:

I went mountain biking through the Austin bike trails again. This time around I brought a buddy with me who had just purchased some black KSO’s. He was eager to wear them and try them out on the trails. At one point we found a nice area to take the bikes off the trail and down to the creek. I took that opportunity to take a few shots of our little excursion. He loved the shoes and how they performed on the bike and when walking through the creek and trails. We had no problems carrying the bikes on our backs and climbing the rocks with our wet KSOs. I took the bike off the path and through some brush. My toes snagged some leaves from my little off road fun. One picture is of my buddy showing off his new KSO’s as he rode past me. We all had a great time. I look forward to more bike trails and hiking in my KSO’s.

Great photos, Lou, and thanks for proving that KSOs can be used for mountain biking (just watch out for stumps or small boulders!).

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

One reply on “Mountain Biking in Austin in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs”

Some nice shots. I have a pair KSO’s and looking at doing some adventure races here in Australia Mountain Biking/Trekking. I know KSO’s are quite thin. How did you go walking on rocks etc?

Thinking about getting a second “Trek” pair instead.

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