“Barefoot” Michael Camps in Sprint Five Fingers

“Barefoot” Michael sent in the above photos of a recent camping trip he took to Wallace State Park,

“Barefoot” Michael sent in the above photos of a recent camping trip he took to Wallace State Park, Cameron, Missouri. Here’s Michael on the trip:

Hey, BarefootMichael here! (@BarefootMichael on Twitter and “Barefoot and Grounded” — blog) Here’s some photos from my recent camping trip.

Wallace State Park in Cameron, Missouri, is beautiful this time of year! I couldn’t help but join family to go camping. Being a barefooter and VFF fan, however, I had to keep it “minimal” during the trip. I wore my FiveFinger Sprints most of the time we were there and they were AWESOME! The rocks and acorns on the ground were but a foot massage while wearing my Sprints. From dining to fishing to hiking on trails much less traveled — my nephew and I had to improvise a bit when a side trail died once — the FiveFingers held up and kept my feet as close to barefoot as I was comfortable with. They were even comfortably warm enough for low 40 degree F temps so long as I kept my feet active. I loved camping in my Vibram Fivefingers and especially enjoyed the extra “open” feel that the Sprints provided.

“Barefoot” Michael

As Michael noted, you can follow him on twitter @barefootmichael and/or check out his blog here!

Thanks for sharing — love the acorn photo!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

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